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Receta de Jarabe de Chocolate Keto

Keto Chocolate Syrup Recipe

Chocolate syrup is one of the most used decorations in confectionery, however, it is often accompanied by a large amount of sugar; We share with you a recipe to make your own healthy and delicious chocolate syrup.


30 g of cocoa powder
480 ml of water
335 g SOLA sweetener


  1. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and place it on the stove.
  2. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and begin beating until all the ingredients are completely combined.
  3. Continue beating over low heat until the mixture begins to have the texture of chocolate syrup (this takes about 5 minutes).
  4. Remove the mixture from the stove and allow the syrup to cool slightly. You can store it in a glass or plastic jar.

Ready to enjoy!

💡 TIP: This syrup can last up to a month; In case it crystallizes, you just have to heat it a little.

If you try this recipe, don't forget to share your settings, opinions and photos with us. We love to see your dishes!

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